Pre-bookings for pick-ups are now open!

It's been over a month of staying home – how are you doing? Whether you have been learning a new skill, catching up on rest, or you are still finding your new normal, we hope that you are still doing well. Here are a few updates on our operations during this circuit breaker.

We are still open!

If you're looking for a getaway, here are some selected books to escape into when the world is in despair – or when you're in quarantine. While Thryft is still operating and open for orders, please be patient with us for any delays due to the current circuit breaker measures.

However, do note that all trade-in services, including both book-drops and pick-ups, are currently suspended for the duration of the circuit breaker.

Know a second-hand bookstore affected by COVID-19?

We know that not all bookstores are able to continue operations during this period, and we would love to work together with them so that the bookstore community can get through this crisis together. If you know any brick-and-mortar second-hand bookstores that might need help, or is interested in moving online, do reach out to us.

You can now pre-book a slot for pick-ups!

We're nearing the end of this circuit breaker, and we look forward to resuming our trade-in services soon. These last few weeks of staying home is a great chance to do some cleaning and decluttering around the house. If you find books that no longer spark joy, we would love to have you trade-in them with us.

We're excited to announce that you can now pre-book a slot for pick-up services of your second-hand books from 2 June 2020 onwards. You can refer here for more details on how to trade-in your books. After you send us the WhatsApp message, we will provide you with a link to sign up for a pick-up slot!

Do note that pick-up services are only available for trade-ins of twenty or more books. Otherwise, do be patient with us as we look forward to reopening our book drops too!